Is Islam inherently violent?

“Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting. No one should believe that the war that we are waging is the war of the Islamic state. It is the war of all Muslim, but the Islamic state is spearheading it. It is the war of Muslims against infidels”. – Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi, Leader of the Islamic State.

Following an atrocious terrorist attack by Muslims or groups affiliated with Islam, the media in the west, almost always reassures us that Islam is the “religion of peace” and that we shouldn’t take the actions of a few fanatics as our basic understanding of the religion. So are a few lunatic fanatics high- jacking a peaceful religion and making it look bad? Does Islam promote violence or are we grabbing the wrong end of the stick?

We’ll explore together the link between these two and understand the basic foundations of what Islam truly teaches.

Many Islamic scholars including the well-respected mainstream scholars such as Aisha Bewley (who has translated the works of Iman Qurtubi who lived in Spain over 700 years ago) went on to clarify that Islam demands that non-Muslims (who are peaceful) to be killed simply for the fact that they don’t submit to the Islamic principles and practises. “it is an unqualified command to fight without any precondition of hostilities being initiated by the unbelievers…the reason for fighting is disbelief”.
This explains well why some Muslims take it upon themselves to arm and attack innocent civilians without any real motives and justifying their horrendous crimes for the simple fact that Islam commands it. If you look at all the modern interpretations and commentary of Islam, violence is seen as an admirable act or duty to fulfill in order to get to ‘paradise’. So not only does it lead so many young, dim-witted boys to take up jihad as their final straw to eternal bliss, it also pushes them to fight for the honorific position not only for themselves but also for their family. Whilst those who don’t fight in the name of Islam are threatened to an eternity of torment in hell.

Just look at the sheer violence happening today in Syria and Iraq. It has become a true incarnation of the old Islamic state and during the lifetime of Muhammed. The public beheadings, open ‘for sale’ slave markets of women/non-Muslims and the intolerance to homosexuals and stoning still go on in 2018 because of the teachings and actions of Muhammed. So, what makes some liberals blind to the fact that Islam is truly a violent and barbaric religion?

It’s clear that when you read the Quran, you will see a clear distinction between where the Quran starts to contradict each other from the earlier preaching’s of peace to war to the end. The beginning of the Quran, the messages of peace and tolerance are often over quoted and overused by the apologist but as you continue to read on further the commands to kill and overthrow anyone government who stands outside the faith of Islam is hard to ignore. The drastic alteration between peace and war can be divided between a world of peace (Dar al- Islam) and a world of war (Dar al- Harb). Through changing the process from Harb to Islam requires sacrifice and most famously, Jihad. It is simply not liable to use the earlier messages to sugar coat, Islam, as it was not the final commands from the prophet to his soldiers but in fact the opposite. These final chapters cancel out any of the love preaching messages which the terrorist know. As experts of Islamic studies agree on, the commands to kill and obliterate the non-Muslims revoke earlier orders which argues strongly to the fact that Islam is, in fact, a religion opposite to peace.

With approximately 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, we know that the majority of them are relatively peaceful and that a small minority of them are radicals but that could be the result of a multitude of factors. Many might not really be practicing Muslims or they don’t understand in depth what Islam is about which is why so many Muslim’s are wonderful people. A major factor is that since the Quran is written in old Arabic tongue and a vast majority of Muslims don’t even speak Arabic or understand it so they just assume that it preaches about peace. Most of the main theologies outdated customs that are no longer adaptable in the 21st century (such as stoning’s and beheadings) are no longer practiced, which is entirely different if you look at the Muslim world. If you’re gay or even sleep with your girlfriend whilst living in a Muslim country - you will have severe punishments!  
Yet, every Muslim is taught that Islam is the one true religion that can transcend throughout time and still remain current to any era and we all know that from a moral standpoint that’s impossible.

It is only observing the Muslim world that we can see how wicked and dangerous Islam is and that feeding this lie that ‘Islam is peaceful religion’ will have dire consequences to our freedom and way of life if we don’t stand up to it. As the Quran so neatly put it “Let those fight in the way of Allah (jihadist) who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be victorious, on him we shall bestow a vast reward (those who die imposing Islam get the greatest reward from Allah)” Quran 4:74


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